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How to Change the Locks on Your Home

change the locks

There are many reasons why you might want to change the locks on your home. Maybe you just moved into a new home and want to make sure that you are the only one with a key, or maybe you lost your keys and want to ensure that no one else has access to your home. 

Whatever the reason, the process to change the locks on your home is a simple and effective way to increase the security of your home. In this blog post, we will go over the steps to change the locks on your home and give you some tips on how to choose the right locks for your home.


Step-by-Step Guide to Change the Locks on Your Home


To change the locks on your home is a great way to increase security and give yourself peace of mind. It’s also surprisingly easy to do, as long as you have the right tools and know-how. 

This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of replacing existing locks with new ones, from gathering supplies to testing out your handiwork. With just a few simple steps, you can easily upgrade your home security in no time.

change the locks

Step 1: Determine which locks need to be changed

The first necessary step to consider when looking to change locks on your home is to determine which locks need to be changed. 

In this regard, a homeowner must begin with an evaluation of the locks and security systems in place. If there are any signs of damage to the existing locks such as scratches, broken parts, or missing parts, then a lock change is necessary to ensure the security of the home.

Different types of locks offer varying levels of protection, so it’s important to choose one that will provide adequate security for each entry point. 

Common residential locks include:

  • Deadbolt Locks
  • Keyless Systems
  • Knob Locks
  • Cylinder Locks
  • Lever Handle Locks
  • Mortise Locks
  • Combination Locks

Step 2: Gather the necessary tools

tools for changing the locks

Changing your locks is an important step to ensure the security of your home, but it can be a daunting task if you don’t have all the necessary tools. Before even beginning the process, make sure you have a drill and drill bits, screws, screwdriver set, lubricant, metal file, and a new lock. All of these items are essential for replacing a lock properly and safely. 

When purchasing new locks, try to match the current size of your locks as closely as possible. This will help you avoid any additional modifications that may be necessary due to different sizes in bore holes or other sizes that may not line up correctly. Once everything is gathered together, it’s time to replace the lock. 

Step 3: Remove the old lock

Removing the old lock is a straightforward process and requires only a few tools. First, use your screwdriver set to remove the screws which are securing the doorknob in place. Then carefully pull out the old lock cylinder from its housing in the door. 

This should allow you to remove it without any force required. If there are any additional parts connected to the lock, such as latch plates or deadbolts, make sure to include those in your cleaning and removal process. Once you are finished removing the old lock, it is time to start adding the new one.

Step 4: Install the new lock

Installing a new lock is just as important as the steps taken to remove the old one. Begin by lubricating the cylinder of your new lock to ensure a smooth sliding process. Place the cylinder into its housing in the door frame, ensuring that it’s seated against both sides of the housing and that any parts, such as latch plates or deadbolts, fit correctly. Then use your screwdriver set to fasten the doorknob or handle in place with screws. 

Lastly, check if everything lines up correctly and then attach any additional pieces, such as strike plates and door guards. Once all these steps have been completed, your new lock should be able to provide you with plenty of security and peace of mind.

Step 5: Test the new lock

After installing a new lock system, it’s important to make sure that it is working properly before you rely on it. Begin by testing the latch of the lock by opening and closing the door a few times. This should give you an idea of how smoothly the latch is operating. Next, use your key to unlock and lock the door several times. 

Verify that all the pins click into place and that the key can unlock and lock when turned in both directions. Lastly, check if all parts are fitting securely in their housing and that they are not loose or misaligned. If everything looks good then your new lock should be ready for use.

It’s important to note that altering existing hardware or using non-standard parts can cause difficulty with installing new locks and can lead to disruption of other components within the door itself. 

Tips for Choosing the Right Locks for Your Home


Choosing the right locks for your home is an important part of protecting your family and property. Not only do the right locks provide a physical barrier against intruders, but they can also help deter potential thieves from even attempting to break in. With so many different types of locks on the market, it can be difficult to know which ones are best suited for your home. 

Here are five tips to help you pick the right locks for your home. 

1. Consider Your Security Needs 

The first step in choosing the right locks is to consider your security needs. Start by assessing how much security you need based on factors such as where you live and what type of property you own. If you live in a high-crime area or have valuable items inside the house, then you may need more robust locks that offer higher levels of protection. On the other hand, if you live in a safe neighborhood or have minimal valuables, then basic lock sets may suffice.          

2. Think about the type of door you have

When selecting locks for your home, be sure to consider the type of door you’re working with. Different types of doors require different locks, so it’s best to research ahead of time to determine what will work best. For instance, some exterior doors are made from solid wood and require deadbolts for maximum security; whereas, other doors may have glass panels or be hollow-cored and can accommodate a wide variety of locks. It’s important to select a lock that is appropriate for your door type in order to ensure reliable security.

3. Consider the style of your home

When it comes to selecting the right locks for your home, aesthetics should not be overlooked. Consider the style of your home and opt for locks that complement and harmonize with the rest of the décor. If you have a traditional home, for example, it might be best to choose classic-looking locks that fit with the vintage charm of your house. 

On the other hand, if you have a more modern home, then sleek and contemporary padlocks might be more appropriate. Keep in mind that your choice of lock can impact how people perceive your home from the exterior, so choosing one that fits in well with its aesthetic is important.

4. Look for a lock with a good warranty

Choosing the right locks for your home is an important decision that can help keep you and your family safe. When looking to invest in new locks, it is important to look for a model that comes with a good warranty. This will ensure that any malfunctions or breakdowns can be fixed without incurring additional costs. 

In addition, many warranties also cover theft or vandalism of the lock, so it’s always best to choose one with a comprehensive warranty. Not only does this provide extra security, but it also gives you peace of mind knowing that your home is protected by quality locks.

5. Look into Smart Options 

Smart locks are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience and ease-of-use features such as remote access control via mobile apps or voice commands with digital assistants like Alexa or Google Home Mini devices among others. These kinds of smart options offer an extra layer of protection as well as additional features like automated locking/unlocking schedules or one-time-use keys for visitors.   

When it comes down to choosing the right locks for your home, above mentioned factors should be taken into consideration before making a final decision. Understanding these key points will help make sure that whatever choice is made offers both peace of mind and optimal protection from potential intruders.

When to Call a Professional Locksmith


Locks are an important part of keeping your home safe, secure, and protected. But when should you call a professional locksmith to help with your lock installation or repair?  Here are three main scenarios where it’s best to call in a professional. 

1. If you are unable to remove the old lock: 

Even if you’re comfortable attempting some DIY tasks around the house, removing an old lock is one job that is best left to a professional locksmith. A locksmith has all of the necessary tools and expertise to safely and effectively remove a lock from any door, no matter how complicated or difficult it may be. 

2. If you are installing a high-security lock: 

High-security locks require special skills and knowledge that only a locksmith can provide. If you’re looking to install an advanced security system, don’t hesitate to call a professional locksmith. They can ensure that your new system is properly installed and functioning correctly so that your home or business remains secure at all times. 

3. If you are unsure of how to properly install the new lock: 

Even if you think you know what you’re doing, sometimes it pays off to have a second opinion from an expert before tackling a job like installing new locks yourself. Professional locksmiths can inspect the work and make sure everything is up to code before leaving the premises ensuring that your property remains secure long after they leave. 

Knowing when it’s time to call in a professional locksmith can save you time, money, and stress down the line. So if ever in doubt about removing an old lock or installing new one, remember that there is no substitute for expert advice. Florida Premier Locksmith is a reliable and reputed name if you are looking for a trustworthy locksmith in South Florida. With our help, you can rest assured knowing that your property will remain safe and secure at all times. 

Maintenance and Upkeep of Your Locks


Keeping your locks in good condition is important for your safety and security. Whether it’s the locks on your front door or the ones on your windows, the proper maintenance and upkeep of your locks will ensure that they last longer and remain secure. 

To keep your locks in optimal condition, it’s important to regularly clean them. You can do this by using a damp cloth along with an all-purpose cleaner or mild soap solution to remove any dirt and grime from the exterior of the lock. 

Be sure not to use any abrasive materials when cleaning as this can damage or scratch the surface of your lock.  Additionally, you should lubricate your locks annually with graphite powder or silicone-based lubricants (not WD-40). 

This helps keep them functioning smoothly and prevents any rusting that could occur over time due to moisture build-up within the lock itself.  

Some Security Tips 


When it comes to keeping safe at home, there are certain measures you can take beyond regular maintenance of your locks that will help increase security around your property. 

  • Never  leave spare keys outside for easy access
  • Install motion-sensing lights near entry points
  • Avoid storing valuables in plain sight
  • Use deadbolts whenever possible
  • Invest in home security systems if available 
  • Always make sure all doors and windows are securely locked before leaving for an extended period of time

Adherence to these points will definitely deter potential intruders from entering your property. 


To Sum Up:

To change the locks on your home doesn’t have to be a complicated task. By following the simple steps outlined in this blog post, you can ensure that your home remains secure and well-protected. Remember to consider your style of home, door type, and budget when selecting new locks. With a bit of research and careful planning, changing the locks on your home can be an easy way to keep unwanted visitors away.


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