11 Tips for Lock Change on Your New Home
When you move into your next apartment or house, there are a few things that should be taken care of before claiming it as yours and a lock change is necessary one of them. When a house is being sold, realtors and possibly even building contractors will be given keys. With an unknown number of key copies floating about, the only way to gain security and peace of mind is to replace the locks on your property. In the case of privacy locks or any other locks that are not used for security, you must ensure that they are operational and that you have a key.

If you investigate your options, you may discover that lock change in your new home isn’t what you require. A simple lock repair may be all that is required to fix your jammed bathroom lock. Perhaps all you need to do is rekey a lock to address your security worries.
Make sure you’re using the best locks for your needs and that everything is installed and working properly. Also, when you move into a new property, you should ensure lock change.
The following are some lock change considerations:
1. Cost Of Lock Change
2. Rekey
3. Recondition
4. New Keys
5. Buy Locks
6. The Wrong Door Lock Is Installed
7. High-Security Locks
8. Installing Locks Correctly
9. Adding Additional Locks
10. Electronic Locks
11. Qualified And Skilled Locksmith
Click here and also read about home lock-out services.
1. Cost of lock change
You’ve just bought a new house, which represents a significant financial commitment as well as an investment in your future. You don’t want to skimp on preserving your new house, but you also don’t want to spend more money than necessary.
The cost of lock change is determined by several factors, including the lock changing method, the cost of hardware, labor to install the lock, and the quantity of new locks for the residence.
If you require professional assistance with a new home lock change, examine the comprehensive guide to locksmith pricing for an understanding of the additional charges. It would be better to book an appointment with a professional locksmith. The price of the locks will vary greatly depending on the materials and technology used in the lock.
The general rule is that the greater the cost, the greater the security. The biggest exception to cost equal to security is smart locks versus standard locks, where you pay a premium for convenience rather than security.
2. Rekey
You can rekey the locks if you want to maintain them for aesthetic or historical reasons. Rekeying meets the basic requirements of a new house lock change. When a lock is rekeyed, it can only be opened with a new key.
Keep in mind that rekeying a lock is only possible if the lock is still operational. Aside from that, there are other technical distinctions between rekeying and replacing locks, the most important of which are cost and security.
Replacement of the lock will cost more than rekeying the lock. You won’t have to worry about someone getting into your house with an old key. It’s just that you’ll be constrained to the security provided by the current lock. To make your lock safer against picking and drilling, you can have a locksmith rekey your locks, but this will not provide the same level of security as purchasing a high-security lock.
2. Rekey
All non-security locks can be reconditioned to avoid the need for a new lock. It’s very uncommon for doorknobs in the bedrooms and bathrooms to be jammed or stuck when you first move into a house. If the lock is made of metal, it may not be necessary to replace it if it malfunctions.
With a little elbow grease, you can bring these locks back to their original state without having to replace them. Antique locks, which you may want to keep their keys intact, are a popular candidate for reconditioning.
For mortise locks, you can simply perform a partial new home lock change by reconditioning the lock body. Rekey or replace the cylinder if the current key no longer works, but leave the lock body and lock assembly in place. This example shows how a homeowner might combine reconditioning and changing locks on a new home. All of these options are available, and you’re not limited to just one lock.
4. New Keys
You will need a new set of keys whether you are rekeying or carrying the lock change procedure on a new residence. Two factory-cut keys are usually not enough for all primary residents of a home to have a key and a spare. “The less keys you have, the better,” some new homeowners believe.
Why bother with an extra key, anyway? So, I should probably update my locks in case I misplace my key. However, you are more likely to benefit from having an extra key on hand than suffer any negative consequences from doing so.
Beyond the necessity for new keys following the installation of new locks, there are many more situations in which you may require additional keys. If you want to update the locks in your home but don’t have a key left over from the previous owner, a locksmith can rekey the lock for you.
It’s a good idea to keep in mind that every time you make a copy of your key, it loses information, so a copy of your copy of your copy may not work.
5. Buy Locks
The best locks for a new home have to fit perfectly with how the house is built, how the doors are made, how much security is needed, and how the homeowner wants to use the house every day. Also, think about whether all the doors around the house will be keyed the same way so that you only need one key to get in.
When multiple locks are bought at the same time, they often come with keys that work with all of them. When a locksmith went through lock change process, they can do things to make sure all the keys are the same.
The most popular locksets from big-box department shops are not likely to be created with security in mind, so you may want to look into the best front door locks to see whether they fit those criteria. A wide variety of places sell locks, and retailers with a focus on volume are unlikely to provide the highest-quality items.
In order to boost the perceived value and security of their products, bulk lock makers will use lock grades and lifetime warranties to do so. The lock’s “finish” may only be covered by the warranty, so be sure to read the fine print. And if a lock’s security grade doesn’t specify how it was evaluated, the grade itself is meaningless.
6. The Wrong Door Lock Is Installed
Every door in your new home should be protected by the suitable type of lock, so take advantage of this opportunity while going through lock change process. Many questions must be asked before changing your deadbolt, but the most pressing concerns double-sided deadbolts. A double-sided lock is required on any outside door that has a portion of glass or is near a window and can be opened with a thumb turn if the glass is broken.
An emergency escape door should never have a double-sided deadbolt installed. At least one outside door must have a thumbturn deadbolt, so you don’t need a key if you have to leave the house in an emergency. A fingerprint door lock, for example, should never be used for exiting a room or home, but can be utilised for other purposes.
7. High-Security Locks
Purchasing high-security locks will quickly raise the expense of lock change job on a new residence. High-security locks are out of reach for many first-time homebuyers due to their astronomical cost compared to the ordinary lock at your local Home Depot.
Although high-security locks are far more secure than simple, low-cost locks, they are not always the best investment. Your safety is only as strong as the weakest link in your defenses. If you haven’t secured your windows, doors, and set screws first, you shouldn’t worry about locks.
Advanced lock pick protection, drill resistance, and keys that cannot be copied without unique equipment and key blanks are all features of high-security locks. Everyday thieves won’t be able to break into your home or business if you use a high-quality security lock.
However, simply replacing the locks on a new property will not make it any safer. Security investments must be balanced in order to cover the greatest possible area.
8. Installing Locks correctly
If you don’t install your new locks correctly, you could be putting your home’s security at risk. Removing and reinstalling screws is a common blunder. These pre-drilled holes may have been used by previous homeowners to replace locks numerous times, and the new screw will not be able to bite into them. When removing screws, keep hold not to enlarge the screw hole, which could weaken the lock.
The screws you use to attach your lock are also crucial. Screws less than three inches long are likely to be the point of failure in the event that the door is kicked or punched inward. If the component isn’t built correctly, it doesn’t matter how strong your door and locks are.
9. Adding additional Locks
Adding locks to a door may be essential or useful when replacing the locks on a new house. Depending on the type of lock, these can be keyed or non-keyed locks that can only be opened from within, such as ring or wheel locks. For most typical household locks, drilling holes in the door and the door frame is a requirement for installation. Use steel lock covers to replace the material that was taken from the door.
Interior door locks can be changed to add additional locks for privacy or security for roommates. Adding locks to a private space like a bedroom, on the other hand, takes extra care and attention. It’s important to keep in mind that bathroom door locks should not be excessively secure. If you’re concerned about the potential for injury in a restroom, you should opt for privacy locks rather than security ones.
10. Electronic Locks
Electronic locks are becoming increasingly popular among homeowners in this high-tech era. Changing the locks on a new home is the ideal opportunity to implement this security enhancement. Electronic locks aren’t always a better choice when it comes to safety.
Security is not a priority for these locks, which are designed for comfort and ease of use instead. Despite the fact that keyless door locks are theoretically unbreakable, this is mainly due to the lack of a keyway.
Keypad door locks can be seen by passersby, and every door opening provides an opportunity for strangers to get access to the lock. Be mindful of this! When the batteries in your house run out, you’re stuck in your house with no way to get out.
It’s difficult to hardwire electronic locks into a power line, and if you use a WiFi-enabled deadbolt it will require more power than a Bluetooth-enabled deadbolt.
11. Lock Change Qualified And Skilled Locksmith
Having a locksmith perform the lock change on a new home is the greatest option for ensuring quality work. When it comes to simple tasks like installing new locks in a home, there are a lot of things to keep in mind. That’s just the beginning.
You may possibly have a tight deadline and not have the time to undertake your own research. Additionally, you may be too busy to conduct the work yourself because of your hectic schedule. A local residential locksmith can help you with both the installation and the decision-making process. The locksmith should be who can provide 24/7 locksmith services.
While it’s easy to find a wealth of information and expert advice these days, many new homeowners feel a peculiar sense of pressure to become experts in all areas of home ownership as a result. This is a fantasy. Finding an experienced locksmith who has the right attitude to help you through this procedure makes more sense. Neglecting a new home lock change could jeopardize your investment.